Art (1945-contemporary) > Abstract Art Post-War
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Zimmer, Bernd
Ohne Titel
Signed, dated and inscribed "Nr 116" on the reverse
Oil on canvas, 1989
Ohne Titel
Signed, dated and inscribed "Nr 116" on the reverse
Oil on canvas, 1989
3,600 EUR
3,960 USD
3,024 GBP
3,960 USD
3,024 GBP
3 days 16h:23m
Richter, Daniel
Ohne Titel
Signed, dated and with a small drawing on the reverse of the canvas
Oil, 2005
Ohne Titel
Signed, dated and with a small drawing on the reverse of the canvas
Oil, 2005
13,500 EUR
14,850 USD
11,340 GBP
14,850 USD
11,340 GBP
3 days 16h:24m
Krieg, Dieter
Ohne Titel
Signed and dated on the reverse of the canvas
Acrylic on canvas, 1990
Ohne Titel
Signed and dated on the reverse of the canvas
Acrylic on canvas, 1990
4,500 EUR
4,950 USD
3,780 GBP
4,950 USD
3,780 GBP
3 days 16h:24m
Uecker, Günther
o. T. (aus der Folge: LEIPZIGER BLÄTTER)
Signed and dated in the lower right
Mixed media, 1989
o. T. (aus der Folge: LEIPZIGER BLÄTTER)
Signed and dated in the lower right
Mixed media, 1989
5,400 EUR
5,940 USD
4,536 GBP
5,940 USD
4,536 GBP
3 days 16h:25m
6,600 EUR
7,260 USD
5,544 GBP
7,260 USD
5,544 GBP
3 days 16h:26m
12,600 EUR
13,860 USD
10,584 GBP
13,860 USD
10,584 GBP
3 days 16h:27m
7,200 EUR
7,920 USD
6,048 GBP
7,920 USD
6,048 GBP
3 days 16h:27m
Ackermann, Max
Bewegter Bildrand
Signed, dated and titled on the reverse of the stretcher
Oil, 1961
Bewegter Bildrand
Signed, dated and titled on the reverse of the stretcher
Oil, 1961
14,500 EUR
15,950 USD
12,180 GBP
15,950 USD
12,180 GBP
3 days 16h:29m
5,400 EUR
5,940 USD
4,536 GBP
5,940 USD
4,536 GBP
3 days 16h:29m
7,200 EUR
7,920 USD
6,048 GBP
7,920 USD
6,048 GBP
3 days 16h:30m
Dorazio, Piero
Signed, dated and titled on the reverse of the canvas and inscribed with the work number “1480” on the folded canvas
Oil on canvas, 1983
Signed, dated and titled on the reverse of the canvas and inscribed with the work number “1480” on the folded canvas
Oil on canvas, 1983
9,000 EUR
9,900 USD
7,560 GBP
9,900 USD
7,560 GBP
3 days 16h:30m
9,000 EUR
9,900 USD
7,560 GBP
9,900 USD
7,560 GBP
3 days 16h:35m
6,600 EUR
7,260 USD
5,544 GBP
7,260 USD
5,544 GBP
3 days 16h:35m
Arman, Fernandez
Ohne Titel
Signed in the lower left corner of the folded canvas
Mixed media, 2004
Ohne Titel
Signed in the lower left corner of the folded canvas
Mixed media, 2004
5,400 EUR
5,940 USD
4,536 GBP
5,940 USD
4,536 GBP
3 days 16h:36m
De Maria, Nicola
Paesaggio di molti, molti anni fa
In very good condition, mounted on a backing sheet signed on its reverse
Mixed media, 1986
Paesaggio di molti, molti anni fa
In very good condition, mounted on a backing sheet signed on its reverse
Mixed media, 1986
2,250 EUR
2,475 USD
1,890 GBP
2,475 USD
1,890 GBP
3 days 16h:36m
Ottersbach, Heribert C.
Signed, dated, titled and inscribed "HCO-0042/09" and the dimensions on the reverse
Acrylic on canvas, 2009
Signed, dated, titled and inscribed "HCO-0042/09" and the dimensions on the reverse
Acrylic on canvas, 2009
4,000 EUR
4,400 USD
3,360 GBP
4,400 USD
3,360 GBP
3 days 16h:37m
9,000 EUR
9,900 USD
7,560 GBP
9,900 USD
7,560 GBP
3 days 16h:49m
4,000 EUR
4,400 USD
3,360 GBP
4,400 USD
3,360 GBP
3 days 16h:50m
Erben, Ulrich
Farben der Erinnerung
Signed and dated on the folded canvas
Acrylic on canvas, 1997
Farben der Erinnerung
Signed and dated on the folded canvas
Acrylic on canvas, 1997
12,000 EUR
13,200 USD
10,080 GBP
13,200 USD
10,080 GBP
3 days 16h:51m
9,000 EUR
9,900 USD
7,560 GBP
9,900 USD
7,560 GBP
3 days 16h:55m
8,000 EUR
8,800 USD
6,720 GBP
8,800 USD
6,720 GBP
3 days 16h:57m
5,000 EUR
5,500 USD
4,200 GBP
5,500 USD
4,200 GBP
3 days 17h:06m
Hilmar, Jiri
Ohne Titel
Signed and dated on the reverse of one of the panels
Wooden relief, 1988
Ohne Titel
Signed and dated on the reverse of one of the panels
Wooden relief, 1988
5,000 EUR
5,500 USD
4,200 GBP
5,500 USD
4,200 GBP
3 days 17h:06m
8,200 EUR
9,020 USD
6,888 GBP
9,020 USD
6,888 GBP
3 days 17h:10m
8,000 EUR
8,800 USD
6,720 GBP
8,800 USD
6,720 GBP
3 days 17h:27m
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