Fine Art Auction
| 67 objects    | 2951 registered bidders 10-22-2024 08:18:28 CET deutsch deutsch
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Art Auctions
1945 - now  (46)
Abstract Art Post-War CoBrA Expressionism Figurative Painting (40s-60s ) Figurative Painting (70s - contemporary) Informal Photography Pop art
1900 - 1945  (21)
Abstract Art Post-War Dada Expressionism Figurative Painting (1900-30s )

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at Fine Art Auctions:
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3. What is the procedure?

The bid is a net amount, the additional amounts for premium, resale right levy and the total amount including the sales tax due are issued before the binding bid is submitted. If you were the highest bidder, you will receive an email confirmation once the auction is over. The seller will send you an invoice by post. Immediately after payment you will receive the goods professionally packed.
If the buyer wishes the work of art that he has bought to be transported, additional delivery and shipping costs are incurred, which he must pay. The respective costs are shown to the buyer when submitting his bid and before the conclusion of the purchase contract directly at the object on which he is bidding.
Any customs fees for deliveries to countries outside Germany must be borne by the buyer, as well as any fees that arise from payment by cash on delivery, provided they do not fall under the costs that must be borne by the provider according to § 270a BGB.
If you want to pick up the property, you can inform us immediately after your purchase. You then have the choice of picking up the object in Munich, Hamburg or Berlin, by prior arrangement.

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