Art (1945-contemporary) > Figurative Painting (40s-60s )
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Current amount
Ends in
1,800 EUR
1,980 USD
1,512 GBP
1,980 USD
1,512 GBP
1 days 11h:00m
3,600 EUR
3,960 USD
3,024 GBP
3,960 USD
3,024 GBP
1 days 11h:02m
Peiffer Watenphul, Max
Kanal in Venedig
• As early as 1920, he was signed by the famous gallery owner Alfred Flechtheim
Oil on canvas, 1947
Kanal in Venedig
• As early as 1920, he was signed by the famous gallery owner Alfred Flechtheim
Oil on canvas, 1947
6,300 EUR
6,930 USD
5,292 GBP
6,930 USD
5,292 GBP
1 days 11h:03m
600 EUR
660 USD
504 GBP
660 USD
504 GBP
1 days 11h:06m
Marcks, Gerhard
Spanische Tänzerin
Plinth with the artist's signet and the number
Bronze, 1951
Spanische Tänzerin
Plinth with the artist's signet and the number
Bronze, 1951
3,200 EUR
3,520 USD
2,688 GBP
3,520 USD
2,688 GBP
1 days 11h:19m
Marcks, Gerhard
Böser Hund
With the artist's signet and the number on the underside
Bronze, 1949
Böser Hund
With the artist's signet and the number on the underside
Bronze, 1949
2,000 EUR
2,200 USD
1,680 GBP
2,200 USD
1,680 GBP
1 days 11h:19m
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