Fine Art Auction
| 67 objects    | 2951 registered bidders 10-22-2024 08:18:51 CET deutsch deutsch
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1945 - now  (46)
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1900 - 1945  (21)
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Jean-Guy Dallaire

The Canadian artist Jean-Guy Dallaire has become famous for his photographs and his biomorph abstract sculptures.
A trained photographer - Jean-Guy Dallaire studied at the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology in Edmonton and worked, amontg others, as a wedding photographer - as a sculptor he was a complete autodidact. With his small bronzes, inspired by the natural shape of pebbles that have been washed out by water, Jean-Guy Dallaire is in the tradition of luminaries of biomorph abstraction like Henry Moore. As a photographer he has recently created highly aesthetic cloud images.
Jean-Guy Dallaire was honored with a one-man show in 1993 (Alliance Française de Vancouver). His cloud images have also been on display several times, for instance in the exhibitions "Art in the sky" (2007, Moat Gallery, Vancouver Public Library, Vancouver), "Clouds Images... a sense of the sacred" (2009, Beacon Hill, Victoria), and "Visages dans les nuages" (2009, Alliance Francaise de Vancouver and ACFA, Centre Culturel de St.Paul, Alberta).

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