Fine Art Auction
| 67 objects    | 2951 registered bidders 10-22-2024 08:18:50 CET deutsch deutsch
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Art Auctions
1945 - now  (46)
Abstract Art Post-War CoBrA Expressionism Figurative Painting (40s-60s ) Figurative Painting (70s - contemporary) Informal Photography Pop art
1900 - 1945  (21)
Abstract Art Post-War Dada Expressionism Figurative Painting (1900-30s )

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Heinrich Steiner

The post-war expressionist Heinrich Steiner, who counts among the circle of "German-Italians" around Hans Purrmann, Eduard Bargheer and Max Peiffer Watenphul, is regarded the most renowned successor of Henri Matisse.
Educated in art and stage design in Hamburg, Munich and Florence, it was particularly the fruitful influence of Rudolf Levy on Heinrich Steiner that made for an increased interest in the art of Henri Matisse. Heinrich Steiner developed a lucent, expressive coloring and an aesthetically refined style that combines ornamental and spatial elements of composition. With a verveful duct he continued and modified the ideas of Henri Matisse. Landscapes, still lifes and interiors of an expressive harmony characterize the work of Heinrich Steiner, who had emigrated to Italy in 1938.
Awarded the prize "Premio Colombo" at the Biennale in Venice in 1946, Heinrich Steiner has shown his works on numerous exhibitions in Germany and Italy.

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