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Hans Sebald Beham

The Nuremberg graphic artist and painter Hans Sebald Beham is a main representative of the "Kleinmeister" [Little Masters], a group of graphic artist working in small format in the 16th century.
Hans Sebald Beham, older brother and presumably also the first master of Barthel Behams, was trained in Nuremberg in the circle of the great Albrecht Dürer. He was also active as painter and drawer, but it was particularly in engravings and woodcuts where he showed enormous creative powers. Most of his prints, figurative works and ornamental engravings were executed in small formats, just a few woodcuts that were intended as wall decorations reach monumental sizes. In terms of style the art of Hans Sebald Beham was geared at Albrecht Dürer; in the 1520s his manner became more liberal. Elegant rounded lines and virtuous compositions are proof of his oeuvre's qualities, which attained popularity from an early point on.
Numerous art historic publications show Hans Sebald Beham's great importance for art history, additionally, no less than Gustav Pauli compiled his first catalog raisonné.

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