Fine Art Auction
| 67 objects    | 2951 registered bidders 10-22-2024 08:18:53 CET deutsch deutsch
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1945 - now  (46)
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1900 - 1945  (21)
Abstract Art Post-War Dada Expressionism Figurative Painting (1900-30s )

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Georg Friedrich Schmidt

Georg Friedrich Schmidt occupies one of the front ranks among the engravers and etchers of the 18th century. At first trained in arts in Berlin, he went to Paris in the 1730s, where he wanted to perfect his manner with the then most renowned masters. The fact that Georg Friedrich Schmidt was called to the royal courts in Berlin and Saint Petersburg as of the 1740s, is another proof of his great mastery, which was highly valued still at his lifetime.
Engravings and etchings by Georg Friedrich Schmidt captivate the observer with their realism, their great love for the detail and their tremendous plastic effect, which is increased even more by the striking interplay between light and shade. Among his subjects are portraits, mythological, religious and mundane scenes and interiors. His oeuvre is completed by impressive self-portraits. Due to their diversity and high-quality execution, the graphic works by Georg Friedrich Schmidt are sought-after collector's items.

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