Fine Art Auction
| 67 objects    | 2951 registered bidders 10-22-2024 08:18:31 CET deutsch deutsch
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Edgar Degas

Edgar Degas is regarded one of the most important representatives of French Impressionism. After studies in Paris and in Italy, he soon came into contact with the circle of impressionists and showed his works in their exhibitions. Albeit nudes, portraits and interior scenes belong to Edgar Degas' oeuvre, it is particularly the ballet dancers that are inseparable connected with his name. At first captured in delicate paintings and mellow pastels that captivate the observer because of their unusual perspective, Edgar Degas was forced to approach his topics in sculpting as he was suffering from progressive amblyopia. That was the moment he began making the graceful young dancers dressed in a flimsy tutu, mostly originally formed in wax and later cast in bronze.
Works by Edgar Degas are represented in the most renowned museums, such as the Parisian Musée d'Orsay.

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