Fine Art Auction
| 67 objects    | 2951 registered bidders 10-22-2024 08:18:53 CET deutsch deutsch
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Art Auctions
1945 - now  (46)
Abstract Art Post-War CoBrA Expressionism Figurative Painting (40s-60s ) Figurative Painting (70s - contemporary) Informal Photography Pop art
1900 - 1945  (21)
Abstract Art Post-War Dada Expressionism Figurative Painting (1900-30s )

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Dorothea Maetzel-Johannsen

Dorothea Maetzel-Johannsen belongs to the important representatives of German expressionist painting. The artistic talents of the trained teacher should soon come to full bloom, as Dorothea Maetzel-Johannsen was part of an extremely inspiring artistic environment: Her husband, Emil Maetzel, was painter, graphic artist and architect; furthermore, both were among the founding members of the "Hamburgische Sezession" [Hamburg Secession] in 1919. The work of Dorothea Maetzel-Johannsen, which also comprised linocuts and watercolors, was coined by the powerful and intensive expressionist colors throughout her lifetime. Her landscapes, still lifes and portraits captivate the observer with their coloring, the bold perspective and their dynamic contours. Works by Dorothea Maetzel-Johannsen have been in the focus of many exhibitions, which significantly proves her importance s an artist.

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