Fine Art Auction
| 67 objects    | 2951 registered bidders 10-22-2024 08:18:31 CET deutsch deutsch
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Art Auctions
1945 - now  (46)
Abstract Art Post-War CoBrA Expressionism Figurative Painting (40s-60s ) Figurative Painting (70s - contemporary) Informal Photography Pop art
1900 - 1945  (21)
Abstract Art Post-War Dada Expressionism Figurative Painting (1900-30s )

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Damien Hirst Damien Hirst - Biography

The British artist Damien Hirst is inseparably linked with the group of "Young British Artists". Damien Hirst, who had studied art at the London Goldsmiths College, showed works in the legendary first exhibition of the "Young British Artists" called "Freeze" (1988). He made major contributions to the exhibition's organization.
Besides paintings, drawings and graphic art, it is particularly the sculptures and installations by Damien Hirst that attain a tremendous subversive effect with their innovative powers, such as it is the case with the humungous medicine chests, hospital waste or the famous animal cadavers preserved in formalin. These subjects hint at his permanent examination of death and fugacity, which can be found throughout his oeuvre. Works by Damien Hirst can be found in the world's most renowned museums and collections, such as the New York Museum of Modern Art or the London Tate Collection.

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