Art (1945-contemporary) > Expressionism
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Current amount
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5,400 EUR
5,940 USD
4,536 GBP
5,940 USD
4,536 GBP
1 days 17h:39m
Heckel, Erich
Mädchen im Raum
The depiction goes back to a concept from 1910, executed in the last Dresden studio on the “Falkenbrücke”, with the newly designed frieze (documented in historical photographs) in the background
Watercolor, 1947
Mädchen im Raum
The depiction goes back to a concept from 1910, executed in the last Dresden studio on the “Falkenbrücke”, with the newly designed frieze (documented in historical photographs) in the background
Watercolor, 1947
8,000 EUR
8,800 USD
6,720 GBP
8,800 USD
6,720 GBP
1 days 17h:49m
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